The body runs by
When your brain
wants a finger to move, it sends an electric message to your finger telling
it to "move."
If you have a chordless
phone in your house, you can send messages from your phone, without a chord
or wire, to your phone's receiver, then it travels down wires to the other
person's house.
So, these electric
signals from your brain are like phone calls to your finger.
If you injure your
right arm, this can cause it swell up and hurt. This "hurt" pain
is a bunch of phone calls from your arm to your brain saying, "Hey! I'm
hurting down here!"
If it hurts a lot,
then it sends a lot of phone calls to your brain.
These phone calls
make it hard for other messages from your brain to get to your finger.
In Tai Chi, there
is an ancient technique called, "Dim Mak."
The Chinese words,
"Dim Mak," translate to, "Death Touch," in English.
This refers to
injuring someone in just the right place so that their electric wires in their
body are blocked off. Some spots carry a lot of electric messages and by blocking
them the person can get sick or weaker.
We don't practice or
teach Dim Mak in Tai Chi Kids, but it is important to understand because sometimes
we get accidental injuries that cause other injuries and these are similar
to Dim Mak.
If you do get an
injury in your left shoulder, you might notice that your left arm is also
hurting and "throbbing" with pain. This is because your shoulder
injury is blocking the qi "chi" energy and now your arm is unhappy.
Our whole body
is wired together so let's have happy bodies by having happy electric wires